From income brackets to income decile

Political Economy

April 17, 2023


July 18, 2023

How far can we go with income brackets? (in progress)

To build their database on World political cleavages and inequality, Piketty and his team had to use electoral survey data. One problem with these sources is that they collect income data through brackets, without reporting the overall income average of the sample or the average per bracket. This Thus poses the question of how far one can go in terms of statistical analysis with only income brackets as a source of information for income. I will here explore what can be done with such a variable as well as the technical note that Piketty et al. (2021) provides to explain how they computed the vote share for income and education decile, which they claim is one of their main contributions on political cleavages and inequality.

From brackets to decile

The wpid is based on an impressive dataset compiling electoral survey data of 500 elections since 1948. Since the technical note takes Canada’s 2015 election as an example, I will use the latter here.

rm(list = ls())
ca <- read_dta("ca.dta")
ca2015 <- ca %>% 
  filter(year == 2015)

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Note that there is already something going on here: in the dataset, the variable income has 19 brackets/categories here whereas it has 18 in the technical note. Furthermore, income brackets “jump” from 8 to 10. I will ignore these issues and still work with this dataset, we just won’t have the same results as in Piketty & al’s example.

A first step in analyzing such a variable is to compute the frequency, relative frequency and the cumulative frequencies. More precisely, I will construct two tables. On the one hand, I compute the descriptive statistics for the NDP’s voters within each income brackets. On the other hand, I construct a table for the overall distribution of income brackets for the NPD’s voters only. Note that I directly add the proportion of NDP’s voters from the first table to the second one to simplify further calculations:

ca2015 %>%
  group_by(inc) %>% 
  count(votendp) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
    cum.n = cumsum(n),
    prop = n/sum(n)) %>% ungroup() -> table.income.pervote

ca2015 %>% filter(votendp == 1) %>% 
  group_by(inc) %>% 
  count(votendp) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
    prop_vote = table.income.pervote$prop[table.income.pervote$votendp == 1],
    cum.n = cumsum(n),
    prop = n/sum(n),
    rangeleft = lag(cumsum(prop), default = 0),
    cumrelfreqN = cumsum(prop),
    cumrelfreqInc = cumsum(inc/sum(inc))) -> table.income

table.income.pervote %>% 
  gt(caption = "Distribution of the vote for the NDP by income group") %>% 
Distribution of the vote for the NDP by income group
inc votendp n cum.n prop
1 0 114 114 0.6826347
1 1 53 167 0.3173653
2 0 161 161 0.7419355
2 1 56 217 0.2580645
3 0 49 49 0.7656250
3 1 15 64 0.2343750
4 0 129 129 0.7865854
4 1 35 164 0.2134146
5 0 108 108 0.6708075
5 1 53 161 0.3291925
6 0 112 112 0.7044025
6 1 47 159 0.2955975
7 0 114 114 0.7215190
7 1 44 158 0.2784810
8 0 244 244 0.7746032
8 1 71 315 0.2253968
10 0 140 140 0.8045977
10 1 34 174 0.1954023
11 0 114 114 0.7651007
11 1 35 149 0.2348993
12 0 154 154 0.7549020
12 1 50 204 0.2450980
13 0 105 105 0.7894737
13 1 28 133 0.2105263
14 0 208 208 0.7878788
14 1 56 264 0.2121212
15 0 95 95 0.8333333
15 1 19 114 0.1666667
16 0 113 113 0.8129496
16 1 26 139 0.1870504
17 0 171 171 0.8300971
17 1 35 206 0.1699029
18 0 83 83 0.7830189
18 1 23 106 0.2169811
19 0 143 143 0.8171429
19 1 32 175 0.1828571
20 0 145 145 0.8734940
20 1 21 166 0.1265060
table.income %>% 
  gt(caption =  "Distribution of income group among NDP's voters") %>% 
Distribution of income group among NDP's voters
inc votendp n prop_vote cum.n prop rangeleft cumrelfreqN cumrelfreqInc
1 1 53 0.3173653 53 0.07230559 0.00000000 0.07230559 0.004975124
2 1 56 0.2580645 109 0.07639836 0.07230559 0.14870396 0.014925373
3 1 15 0.2343750 124 0.02046385 0.14870396 0.16916780 0.029850746
4 1 35 0.2134146 159 0.04774898 0.16916780 0.21691678 0.049751244
5 1 53 0.3291925 212 0.07230559 0.21691678 0.28922237 0.074626866
6 1 47 0.2955975 259 0.06412005 0.28922237 0.35334243 0.104477612
7 1 44 0.2784810 303 0.06002729 0.35334243 0.41336971 0.139303483
8 1 71 0.2253968 374 0.09686221 0.41336971 0.51023192 0.179104478
10 1 34 0.1954023 408 0.04638472 0.51023192 0.55661664 0.228855721
11 1 35 0.2348993 443 0.04774898 0.55661664 0.60436562 0.283582090
12 1 50 0.2450980 493 0.06821282 0.60436562 0.67257844 0.343283582
13 1 28 0.2105263 521 0.03819918 0.67257844 0.71077763 0.407960199
14 1 56 0.2121212 577 0.07639836 0.71077763 0.78717599 0.477611940
15 1 19 0.1666667 596 0.02592087 0.78717599 0.81309686 0.552238806
16 1 26 0.1870504 622 0.03547067 0.81309686 0.84856753 0.631840796
17 1 35 0.1699029 657 0.04774898 0.84856753 0.89631651 0.716417910
18 1 23 0.2169811 680 0.03137790 0.89631651 0.92769441 0.805970149
19 1 32 0.1828571 712 0.04365621 0.92769441 0.97135061 0.900497512
20 1 21 0.1265060 733 0.02864939 0.97135061 1.00000000 1.000000000

We can then plot income groups against their proportion

table.income.pervote %>% filter(votendp == 1) %>% 
  aes(x = factor(inc), y = prop)+
  xlab("Income group") ->

table.income %>% 
  aes(x = factor(inc), y = prop) %>% 
  xlab("") ->


Distribution of Income groups: Canadian 2015 election survey

On the left, we have a graph very similar to the one of the technical note. The right-sided graph is different, because the proportion are for the overall NPD’s voters whereas the left-sided graph represents the proportion within the income group. For example, 30% of income bracket 1 voted for the NDP, but they represent about 7.4% of total NDP’s voters.

What makes Piketty’s team approach special and interesting is their systematic analysis in terms of quantile groups. This is, according to them, their main contribution and this approach has the advantage to allow for systematic comparison accross space and time. We will try to reproduce here their conversion of income group into quantiles.

In R, the decile for each observation can be added to the dataset with the function ntile():

ca2015 <- ca2015 %>% 
  decile = ntile(inc, 10)

Now, the last column of ca2015 is the decile for each observation in the dataset.

ca2015 %>% 
  group_by(decile) %>% 
  count(votendp) %>% 
  filter(votendp == 1) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(prop = n/sum(n),
         cumsumlag = (lag(cumsum(prop))),
         cumsum = cumsum(prop)) -> %>% 
  gt(caption = "Decile and income bracket") %>% 
Decile and income bracket
decile votendp n prop cumsumlag cumsum
1 1 76 0.10368349 NA 0.1036835
2 1 70 0.09549795 0.1036835 0.1991814
3 1 106 0.14461119 0.1991814 0.3437926
4 1 81 0.11050477 0.3437926 0.4542974
5 1 57 0.07776262 0.4542974 0.5320600
6 1 88 0.12005457 0.5320600 0.6521146
7 1 70 0.09549795 0.6521146 0.7476126
8 1 67 0.09140518 0.7476126 0.8390177
9 1 63 0.08594816 0.8390177 0.9249659
10 1 55 0.07503411 0.9249659 1.0000000

However, it is straightforward to see that the ntile() function has flaws in decile computing.

More generally, computing income decile when the income variable is in brackets seems complicated, but the technical note proposes a re-weighting average approach to partially solve this problem.

To see how the re-weighing approach works, let’s go back to the first table:

table.income %>%
  gt() %>% 
inc votendp n prop_vote cum.n prop rangeleft cumrelfreqN cumrelfreqInc
1 1 53 0.3173653 53 0.07230559 0.00000000 0.07230559 0.004975124
2 1 56 0.2580645 109 0.07639836 0.07230559 0.14870396 0.014925373
3 1 15 0.2343750 124 0.02046385 0.14870396 0.16916780 0.029850746
4 1 35 0.2134146 159 0.04774898 0.16916780 0.21691678 0.049751244
5 1 53 0.3291925 212 0.07230559 0.21691678 0.28922237 0.074626866
6 1 47 0.2955975 259 0.06412005 0.28922237 0.35334243 0.104477612
7 1 44 0.2784810 303 0.06002729 0.35334243 0.41336971 0.139303483
8 1 71 0.2253968 374 0.09686221 0.41336971 0.51023192 0.179104478
10 1 34 0.1954023 408 0.04638472 0.51023192 0.55661664 0.228855721
11 1 35 0.2348993 443 0.04774898 0.55661664 0.60436562 0.283582090
12 1 50 0.2450980 493 0.06821282 0.60436562 0.67257844 0.343283582
13 1 28 0.2105263 521 0.03819918 0.67257844 0.71077763 0.407960199
14 1 56 0.2121212 577 0.07639836 0.71077763 0.78717599 0.477611940
15 1 19 0.1666667 596 0.02592087 0.78717599 0.81309686 0.552238806
16 1 26 0.1870504 622 0.03547067 0.81309686 0.84856753 0.631840796
17 1 35 0.1699029 657 0.04774898 0.84856753 0.89631651 0.716417910
18 1 23 0.2169811 680 0.03137790 0.89631651 0.92769441 0.805970149
19 1 32 0.1828571 712 0.04365621 0.92769441 0.97135061 0.900497512
20 1 21 0.1265060 733 0.02864939 0.97135061 1.00000000 1.000000000

We can directly see the problem posed by income brackets: for example, we can see that all of income bracket one belongs to the first decile since its relative range is between 0 and 0.0723. However, the relative range of bracket two is [0.0723 - 0.1487]. Some part of it belong to the first decile ([0 - 0.1]), but some belong to the second ([0 - 0.2]). The approach to compute the proportion of observations belonging to the any given decile is to compute the share of each income bracket belonging to this decile and then compute a weighted average. For example, if I want to compute the share of observation of the first decile (D10), I already know that 100% of income bracket one belongs to D10 but I need to know the share of bracket 2 (B2) belonging to D10.

To estimate this, let’s assume the distribution of B2 is uniform \(x \sim U[0.0723; 0.1487]\), with x the observation within this range. We want to know \(P(x<0.1)\), that is to say, the probability that x belongs to the first decile. We use the uniform cumulative distribution function with parameters min = 0.073 and max = 0.1487: \(P(x<0.1) = \frac{0.1-0.0723}{0.1487-0.0723} = 0.3626\). This means that 36.26% of B2 belongs to D10. Then, the weighted average for the proportion of observation within D10: \(\frac{1*0.317+0.3626*0.26}{1+0.3626} = 0.3018\). 30.2% the first decile voters voted for the NDP in 2015.

Here are the computations in R:

punif(0.1, table.income$cumrelfreqN[1], table.income$cumrelfreqN[2])
[1] 0.3625
[1] 0.3018318
weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[1], table.income$prop_vote[2]), w = c(1, punif(0.1, table.income$cumrelfreqN[1], table.income$cumrelfreqN[2])))
[1] 0.301588

Unfortunately, there is to my knowledge no function in R that will compute the weights automatically. I can nonetheless compute them through a tedious for loop:

weight <- rep(NA, length(table.income$inc))

for (i in 1:length(table.income$inc)) {
  weight[i] <- ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.1 | table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] == 1, 1,
                  ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.1 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.2, punif(0.1, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]),
                         ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.2 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.3, punif(0.2, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]),
                                ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.3 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.4, punif(0.3, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]),
                                       ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.4 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.5, punif(0.4, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]), 
                                              ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.5 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.6, punif(0.5, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]), 
                                                     ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.6 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.7, punif(0.6, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]),
                                                            ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.7 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.8, punif(0.7, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]),
                                                                   ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.8 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 0.9, punif(0.8, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]), 
                                                                          ifelse(table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] > 0.9 & table.income$cumrelfreqN[i] < 1, punif(0.9, min = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i-1], max = table.income$cumrelfreqN[i]), 1))))))))))
 [1] 1.0000000 0.3625000 0.0000000 0.6457143 0.0000000 0.1680851 0.7772727
 [8] 0.8943662 0.0000000 0.9085714 0.0000000 0.7178571 0.0000000 0.4947368
[15] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1173913 0.0000000 1.0000000

I replace the 0 with 1:

weight <- ifelse(weight == 0, 1, weight)

table.income <- table.income %>% 
  mutate(share_decile = weight)

table.income %>% 
  mutate(share_rest = 1 - weight) -> table.income

table.income %>% mutate(
  prop_vote = table.income.pervote$prop[table.income.pervote$votendp == 1]
) %>% gt() %>% 
inc votendp n prop_vote cum.n prop rangeleft cumrelfreqN cumrelfreqInc share_decile share_rest
1 1 53 0.3173653 53 0.07230559 0.00000000 0.07230559 0.004975124 1.0000000 0.00000000
2 1 56 0.2580645 109 0.07639836 0.07230559 0.14870396 0.014925373 0.3625000 0.63750000
3 1 15 0.2343750 124 0.02046385 0.14870396 0.16916780 0.029850746 1.0000000 0.00000000
4 1 35 0.2134146 159 0.04774898 0.16916780 0.21691678 0.049751244 0.6457143 0.35428571
5 1 53 0.3291925 212 0.07230559 0.21691678 0.28922237 0.074626866 1.0000000 0.00000000
6 1 47 0.2955975 259 0.06412005 0.28922237 0.35334243 0.104477612 0.1680851 0.83191489
7 1 44 0.2784810 303 0.06002729 0.35334243 0.41336971 0.139303483 0.7772727 0.22272727
8 1 71 0.2253968 374 0.09686221 0.41336971 0.51023192 0.179104478 0.8943662 0.10563380
10 1 34 0.1954023 408 0.04638472 0.51023192 0.55661664 0.228855721 1.0000000 0.00000000
11 1 35 0.2348993 443 0.04774898 0.55661664 0.60436562 0.283582090 0.9085714 0.09142857
12 1 50 0.2450980 493 0.06821282 0.60436562 0.67257844 0.343283582 1.0000000 0.00000000
13 1 28 0.2105263 521 0.03819918 0.67257844 0.71077763 0.407960199 0.7178571 0.28214286
14 1 56 0.2121212 577 0.07639836 0.71077763 0.78717599 0.477611940 1.0000000 0.00000000
15 1 19 0.1666667 596 0.02592087 0.78717599 0.81309686 0.552238806 0.4947368 0.50526316
16 1 26 0.1870504 622 0.03547067 0.81309686 0.84856753 0.631840796 1.0000000 0.00000000
17 1 35 0.1699029 657 0.04774898 0.84856753 0.89631651 0.716417910 1.0000000 0.00000000
18 1 23 0.2169811 680 0.03137790 0.89631651 0.92769441 0.805970149 0.1173913 0.88260870
19 1 32 0.1828571 712 0.04365621 0.92769441 0.97135061 0.900497512 1.0000000 0.00000000
20 1 21 0.1265060 733 0.02864939 0.97135061 1.00000000 1.000000000 1.0000000 0.00000000

There can be mistakes, but the results seem to make sense

Since I do not want to ever do this computation again (😅), I put all of this into a function:

weight_share <- function(x){
  weight <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
   weight[i] <-  ifelse(x[i] < 0.1 | x[i] == 1, 1,
                  ifelse(x[i] > 0.1 & x[i] < 0.2, punif(0.1, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.2 & x[i] < 0.3, punif(0.2, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                ifelse(x[i] > 0.3 & x[i] < 0.4, punif(0.3, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                       ifelse(x[i] > 0.4 & x[i] < 0.5, punif(0.4, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                              ifelse(x[i] > 0.5 & x[i] < 0.6, punif(0.5, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                                     ifelse(x[i] > 0.6 & x[i] < 0.7, punif(0.6, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                            ifelse(x[i] > 0.7 & x[i] < 0.8, punif(0.7, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                   ifelse(x[i] > 0.8 & x[i] < 0.9, punif(0.8, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                                                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.9 & x[i] < 1, punif(0.9, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 1))))))))))
  weight <- ifelse(weight == 0, 1, weight)

Let’s check if the function works

weight_share(x = table.income$cumrelfreqN)
 [1] 1.0000000 0.3625000 1.0000000 0.6457143 1.0000000 0.1680851 0.7772727
 [8] 0.8943662 1.0000000 0.9085714 1.0000000 0.7178571 1.0000000 0.4947368
[15] 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.1173913 1.0000000 1.0000000

We are almost done, there are only the weighted averages for each decile left to compute. One further step is to compute dummy variables to show to which decile income brackets belong to. This will produce a table close to the one from the technical note.

table.income %>% 
  mutate(d1 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft >= 0 & table.income$rangeleft < 0.1, 1, 0),
         d2 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.1, 0.2) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.1, 0.2), 1, 0),  # the %[]% is an "between" operator from the Desctools package. for example, x %[]% c(a, b) checks whether x belong to the interval [a, b] with a<b 
         d3 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.2, 0.3) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.2, 0.3), 1, 0),
         d4 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.3, 0.4) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.3, 0.4), 1, 0),
         d5 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.4, 0.5) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.4, 0.5), 1, 0),
         d6 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.5, 0.6) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.5, 0.6), 1, 0),
         d7 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.6, 0.7) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.6, 0.7), 1, 0),
         d8 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.7, 0.8) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.7, 0.8), 1, 0),
         d9 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.8, 0.9) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.8, 0.9), 1, 0),
         d10 = ifelse(table.income$rangeleft %[]% c(0.9, 1) | table.income$cumrelfreqN %[]% c(0.9, 1), 1, 0)) -> table.income

table.income %>% 
  gt() %>% 
inc votendp n prop_vote cum.n prop rangeleft cumrelfreqN cumrelfreqInc share_decile share_rest d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
1 1 53 0.3173653 53 0.07230559 0.00000000 0.07230559 0.004975124 1.0000000 0.00000000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 56 0.2580645 109 0.07639836 0.07230559 0.14870396 0.014925373 0.3625000 0.63750000 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 15 0.2343750 124 0.02046385 0.14870396 0.16916780 0.029850746 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 35 0.2134146 159 0.04774898 0.16916780 0.21691678 0.049751244 0.6457143 0.35428571 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 53 0.3291925 212 0.07230559 0.21691678 0.28922237 0.074626866 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 47 0.2955975 259 0.06412005 0.28922237 0.35334243 0.104477612 0.1680851 0.83191489 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1 44 0.2784810 303 0.06002729 0.35334243 0.41336971 0.139303483 0.7772727 0.22272727 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 71 0.2253968 374 0.09686221 0.41336971 0.51023192 0.179104478 0.8943662 0.10563380 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
10 1 34 0.1954023 408 0.04638472 0.51023192 0.55661664 0.228855721 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
11 1 35 0.2348993 443 0.04774898 0.55661664 0.60436562 0.283582090 0.9085714 0.09142857 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
12 1 50 0.2450980 493 0.06821282 0.60436562 0.67257844 0.343283582 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
13 1 28 0.2105263 521 0.03819918 0.67257844 0.71077763 0.407960199 0.7178571 0.28214286 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
14 1 56 0.2121212 577 0.07639836 0.71077763 0.78717599 0.477611940 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
15 1 19 0.1666667 596 0.02592087 0.78717599 0.81309686 0.552238806 0.4947368 0.50526316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
16 1 26 0.1870504 622 0.03547067 0.81309686 0.84856753 0.631840796 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
17 1 35 0.1699029 657 0.04774898 0.84856753 0.89631651 0.716417910 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
18 1 23 0.2169811 680 0.03137790 0.89631651 0.92769441 0.805970149 0.1173913 0.88260870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
19 1 32 0.1828571 712 0.04365621 0.92769441 0.97135061 0.900497512 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
20 1 21 0.1265060 733 0.02864939 0.97135061 1.00000000 1.000000000 1.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Tu put the code above into a function:

decile_dummies <- function(data, rangeleft, rangeright){

data %>% 
  mutate(d1 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} >= 0 & {{rangeleft}} < 0.1, 1, 0),
         d2 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2), 1, 0),  #%[]% is an within bracket operator from the Desctools package. for example, x %[]% c(a, b) checks whether x belong to the interval [a, b] with a<b 
         d3 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3), 1, 0),
         d4 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4), 1, 0),
         d5 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5), 1, 0),
         d6 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6), 1, 0),
         d7 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7), 1, 0),
         d8 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8), 1, 0),
         d9 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9), 1, 0),
         d10 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.9, 1) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.9, 1), 1, 0))

This compute the proportion of the first decile directly from the table above:

weighted.mean(x = table.income$prop_vote[table.income$d1 == 1], w = table.income$share_decile[table.income$d1 == 1]) # d1
[1] 0.301588

Let’s try to compute the 3 first decile in a way that can then be put into a for loop or even into a function later

# for d_i

weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[table.income[,12] == 1]),
              w = c(table.income$share_decile[table.income[,12] == 1])) #d1: take columns 11 (D1) and the values of prop vote and share decile for which D11 == 1
[1] 0.301588
weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[table.income[,13] == 1]),
              w = c(table.income$share_rest[table.income[,12] == 1 & table.income[, 13] == 1],
                    table.income$share_decile[table.income[,12] == 0 & table.income[,13] == 1])) #d2
[1] 0.2350616
weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[table.income[,14] == 1]),
              w = c(table.income$share_rest[table.income[,14-1] == 1 & table.income[, 14] == 1], #d3
                    table.income$share_decile[table.income[14-1] == 0 & table.income[,14] == 1]))
[1] 0.2985395

Let’s try the for loop

decile_vec <- rep(NA, 10)
decile <- c()
#11:20 are the decile dummies columns in the dataset
decile_vec <- capture.output(for (i in 12:21) {

  if(i == 12){
  decile =  c(weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[table.income[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(table.income$share_decile[table.income[,i] == 1])))
   decile = c(weighted.mean(x = c(table.income$prop_vote[table.income[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(table.income$share_rest[table.income[,i-1] == 1 & table.income[, i] == 1], 
                    table.income$share_decile[table.income[i-1] == 0 & table.income[,i] == 1])))

decile_vec <- as.numeric(decile_vec)
decile <- data.frame(decile = 1:10,
                         prop = decile_vec)
   decile      prop
1       1 0.3015880
2       2 0.2350616
3       3 0.2985395
4       4 0.2873299
5       5 0.2359808
6       6 0.2147917
7       7 0.2308659
8       8 0.1992121
9       9 0.1779249
10     10 0.1737567

This seems to work, the 3 first values are the same as the ones computed above

decile %>% 
  aes(x = factor(decile), y = prop)+

This graph is very close to the one from the techninal note (figure one, right-sided graph)

For now, let’s put the for loop into a function: this function would require the decile dummies columns, the columns for the proportion, the column for decile share and the column for the rest’s share:

decile <- function(data, columns, prop, share_decile, share_rest){
  decile_vec <- rep(NA, 10)
decile <- c()

decile_vec <- capture.output(for (i in min(columns):max(columns)) {

  if(i == min(columns)){
  decile =  c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_decile[data[,i] == 1])))
   decile = c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_rest[data[,i-1] == 1 & data[, i] == 1], 
                    share_decile[data[i-1] == 0 & data[,i] == 1])))

decile_vec <- as.numeric(decile_vec)
decile <- data.frame(decile = 1:10,
                         prop = decile_vec)
decile <- decile %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), ~replace(.x, is.nan(.x), 0))) # if an income group has no individuals who has votendp == 1, make the function return 0 instead of NaNs
decile(data = table.income, columns = 12:21, prop = table.income$prop_vote, share_decile = table.income$share_decile, share_rest = table.income$share_rest)

The function seems to work, but requires a specific dataframe (formatted as table.income).

Summing up all of this into one function

The goal here is to write all the steps above into one function, such that only the variable from the dataset must be given to compute the deciles.

# note: the function needs the weight_share() function and the decile_dummies function and the decile function

weight_share <- function(x){
  weight <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
   weight[i] <-  ifelse(x[i] < 0.1 | x[i] == 1, 1,
                  ifelse(x[i] > 0.1 & x[i] < 0.2, punif(0.1, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.2 & x[i] < 0.3, punif(0.2, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                ifelse(x[i] > 0.3 & x[i] < 0.4, punif(0.3, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                       ifelse(x[i] > 0.4 & x[i] < 0.5, punif(0.4, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                              ifelse(x[i] > 0.5 & x[i] < 0.6, punif(0.5, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                                     ifelse(x[i] > 0.6 & x[i] < 0.7, punif(0.6, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                            ifelse(x[i] > 0.7 & x[i] < 0.8, punif(0.7, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                   ifelse(x[i] > 0.8 & x[i] < 0.9, punif(0.8, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                                                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.9 & x[i] < 1, punif(0.9, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 1))))))))))
  weight <- ifelse(weight == 0, 1, weight)

decile_dummies <- function(data, rangeleft, rangeright){

data %>% 
  mutate(d1 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} >= 0 & {{rangeleft}} < 0.1, 1, 0),
         d2 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2), 1, 0),  #%[]% is an within bracket operator from the Desctools package. for example, x %[]% c(a, b) checks whether x belong to the interval [a, b] with a<b 
         d3 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3), 1, 0),
         d4 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4), 1, 0),
         d5 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5), 1, 0),
         d6 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6), 1, 0),
         d7 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7), 1, 0),
         d8 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8), 1, 0),
         d9 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9), 1, 0),
         d10 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.9, 1) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.9, 1), 1, 0))

decile <- function(data, columns, prop, share_decile, share_rest){
  decile_vec <- rep(NA, 10)
decile <- c()

decile_vec <- capture.output(for (i in min(columns):max(columns)) {

  if(i == min(columns)){
  decile =  c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_decile[data[,i] == 1])))
   decile = c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_rest[data[,i-1] == 1 & data[, i] == 1], 
                    share_decile[data[i-1] == 0 & data[,i] == 1])))

decile_vec <- as.numeric(decile_vec)
decile <- data.frame(decile = 1:10,
                         prop = decile_vec)
decile <- decile %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), ~replace(.x, is.nan(.x), 0))) ### if a group has no observation in the count, replace the NaNs by zeros


decile_final <- function(data, x, by, value){
table1 <- 
  {{data}} %>%
  group_by({{by}}) %>% 
  count({{x}}) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
    cum_x = cumsum(n),
    prop_x = n/sum(n)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter({{x}} == value)

table <- 
{{data}} %>% 
  filter({{x}} == value) %>% 
  group_by({{by}}) %>% 
  count({{x}}) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
         prop_x = table1$prop_x,
         prop = n/sum(n),
         rangeleft = lag(cumsum(prop), default = 0),
         cumrelfreq = cumsum(prop),
         share_decile = weight_share(cumrelfreq),
         share_rest = 1 - weight_share(cumrelfreq)) %>% 
    decile_dummies(rangeleft = rangeleft, rangeright = cumrelfreq)

decile_columns <- which(colnames(table)=="d1" ):which(colnames(table)=="d10" )

decile(data = table, columns = decile_columns, prop = table$prop_x, share_decile = table$share_decile, share_rest = table$share_rest)

decile_final(data = ca2015, by = inc, x = votendp, value = 1)
   decile      prop
1       1 0.3015880
2       2 0.2350616
3       3 0.2985395
4       4 0.2873299
5       5 0.2359808
6       6 0.2147917
7       7 0.2308659
8       8 0.1992121
9       9 0.1779249
10     10 0.1737567
decile_final(data = ca2015, by = inc, x = votelib, value = 1)
   decile      prop
1       1 0.3807777
2       2 0.4229278
3       3 0.3830486
4       4 0.3831860
5       5 0.4397704
6       6 0.3894084
7       7 0.4532439
8       8 0.4113987
9       9 0.4132309
10     10 0.4833679

What’s Next?

Even if the goal of reproducing the WPID’s methodology is now done, I am still unsatisfied with some aspects of the work done above. I will try in the future to do the following:

  • Improve the code of all the functions (see below)

  • Improve the functions to allow for greater flexibility (for example allowing to compute not only decile, but also quartiles, quintiles…)

  • Create a function which assigns each individual of the dataset to a quantile group (Piketty and Co-authors provide the function only in Stata…)

# note: the function needs the weight_share() function and the decile_dummies function and the decile function
# I am Still working on improving these functions: simplify the code and allow for a lot more flexibility, for instance:
      # 1. compute different quantile groups (quartile, quintiles... instead of always deciles)
weight_share <- function(x){
  weight <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
   weight[i] <-  ifelse(x[i] < 0.1 | x[i] == 1, 1,
                  ifelse(x[i] > 0.1 & x[i] < 0.2, punif(0.1, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.2 & x[i] < 0.3, punif(0.2, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                ifelse(x[i] > 0.3 & x[i] < 0.4, punif(0.3, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                       ifelse(x[i] > 0.4 & x[i] < 0.5, punif(0.4, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                              ifelse(x[i] > 0.5 & x[i] < 0.6, punif(0.5, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 
                                                     ifelse(x[i] > 0.6 & x[i] < 0.7, punif(0.6, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                            ifelse(x[i] > 0.7 & x[i] < 0.8, punif(0.7, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                   ifelse(x[i] > 0.8 & x[i] < 0.9, punif(0.8, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]),
                                                                                                         ifelse(x[i] > 0.9 & x[i] < 1, punif(0.9, min = x[i-1], max = x[i]), 1))))))))))
  weight <- ifelse(weight == 0, 1, weight)

decile_dummies <- function(data, rangeleft, rangeright){

data %>% 
  mutate(d1 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} >= 0 & {{rangeleft}} < 0.1, 1, 0),
         d2 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.1, 0.2), 1, 0),  #%[]% is an within bracket operator from the Desctools package. for example, x %[]% c(a, b) checks whether x belong to the interval [a, b] with a<b 
         d3 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.2, 0.3), 1, 0),
         d4 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.3, 0.4), 1, 0),
         d5 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.4, 0.5), 1, 0),
         d6 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.5, 0.6), 1, 0),
         d7 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.6, 0.7), 1, 0),
         d8 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.7, 0.8), 1, 0),
         d9 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.8, 0.9), 1, 0),
         d10 = ifelse({{rangeleft}} %[]% c(0.9, 1) | {{rangeright}} %[]% c(0.9, 1), 1, 0))

decile <- function(data, columns, prop, share_decile, share_rest){
  decile_vec <- rep(NA, 10)
decile <- c()

decile_vec <- capture.output(for (i in min(columns):max(columns)) {

  if(i == min(columns)){
  decile =  c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_decile[data[,i] == 1])))
   decile = c(weighted.mean(x = c(prop[data[,i] == 1]),
              w = c(share_rest[data[,i-1] == 1 & data[, i] == 1], 
                    share_decile[data[i-1] == 0 & data[,i] == 1])))

decile_vec <- as.numeric(decile_vec)
decile <- data.frame(decile = 1:10,
                         prop = decile_vec)

table_decile <- function(data, x, by, value){
table1 <- 
  {{data}} %>%
  group_by({{by}}) %>% 
  count({{x}}) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
    cum_x = cumsum(n),
    prop_x = n/sum(n)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter({{x}} == value)

table <- 
{{data}} %>% 
  filter({{x}} == value) %>% 
  group_by({{by}}) %>% 
  count({{x}}) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
         prop_x = table1$prop_x,
         prop = n/sum(n),
         rangeleft = lag(cumsum(prop), default = 0),
         cumrelfreq = cumsum(prop),
         share_decile = weight_share(cumrelfreq),
         share_rest = 1 - weight_share(cumrelfreq)) %>% 
    decile_dummies(rangeleft = rangeleft, rangeright = cumrelfreq)

decile_columns <- which(colnames(table)=="d1" ):which(colnames(table)=="d10")

list(table = table,
     decile = decile(data = table, columns = decile_columns, prop = table$prop_x, share_decile = table$share_decile, share_rest = table$share_rest))
